I'm recieving a 406 Error

406 errors are generated by the server security script and are based on POST or GET data from your site. The security script is in place to alleviate exploits to unpatched websites by filtering content and requests set based by a configuration file containing well known exploit requests (such as bash, wget, etc).

This error can only be resolved if weblogging is enabled on your account as logs must be looked at to determine the "threat level" of the alert and the type of requests being sent to the server. If weblogging is not enabled on your account then you will need to request it to be enabled so that we can browse your error log.

If you recieve this error and have weblogging enabled (you can validate that weblogging is enabled by logging into your account through ssh and typing "cd /var/log/httpd/" and typing "ls -hal", the access_log or error_log should be larger than "0", if it is "0" then you do not have weblogging enabled) you will need to create a helpdesk ticket and let us know the time the error occoured and the name of the script that you are using that triggered the error.

Additionally you can help expedite the request by also including the 406 error in your ticket (the error in the error log, not from your browser). To list the 406 error through SSH you can type: tail -500 /var/log/httpd/error_log | grep 406

The tech's will look into the issue and, so long as the script in question isn't against our terms of service, update the Security Processing List to rectify the issue.

In your helpdesk ticket please entitle the subject as "406 error on [sitename]".